We are celebrating
a decade of commitment
and partnerships!
NES is a leading privately held renewable developer in Serbia. We began as a small project-oriented endeavor in 2012, and the passion of those early days still sustains our drive.
With a full decade of hands-on experience in delivering energy projects and unparalleled execution, our business spans from development, project management, engineering to asset management. Our team provides a full-service solution on projects from the concept stage through design, permitting, interconnection, construction, and on to a full operation and maintenance.
First 10 Years of NES
We are celebrating a decade of commitment and partnerships!
to integrity, to renewable energy, to highest working standards, to sustain availability!
We have always been upfront with our investors and partners as this is the only way to sustain trust in a long term prospective and ensure repeat business. In the next decade, NES will develop an entire portfolio of assets in the region, featuring considerable expansion into utility-scale solar and energy storage solutions to balance our wind energy business.
The project’s development began in 2012 by identifying the territory in the municipality of Kovačica as very high quality in terms of wind potential, favorable infrastructural capacities, and access characteristics.
After issuing a couple of hundreds of permits and studies, a construction of wind farm started in late 2017 which makes it quickest developed of all operational projects. The financing was secured from the financial consortium consisting of the EBRD and Erste Group AG, Erste Bank Novi Sad and Euler Hermes in the total amount of 189 million euros. WF Kovačica, owned by Israeli company Enlight is one of the few projects with the status of a privileged producer of electricity which with 38 installed turbines and rated power of 104,5MW can supply up to 68,000 households.




environment and social governance
Measuring the results of our work lies at the centre of everything we do!
In order to underpin these principles, we promote and sustain the highest standards of socially and environmental responsible investments, thus ensuring long-term value protection for both the business and society.
We work closely with the local communities within which we are active throughout various programs. From the allocation of funds to local organizations for the implementation of projects within the ESG framework (Donations Kovacica) to the conservation and the re-establishment of the Saker falcon (endangered birds) by building safe nesting platforms and boosting the population recovery, our engagement is always transparent and calibrated to add value, to communities and the humanity as a whole.
With a responsible approach to investment, NES believes that environmental, social and corporate governance implemented both at the development stage and at operational phase is key to our investors’ success and is integrated into how we pursue opportunities, manage risk and operate.
We hold on to Credibility
and Consistency on our
carbon net zero
New Energy Solution as one of the founding memebers of Renewable Enegry Sources Association which is bussines association. The Association of Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia is a business association founded on February 24, 2021, with the aim of improving the business environment in the field of renewable energy sources and, in the service of environmental protection, encouraging the production and use of electricity from renewable sources.
The association was established with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which allocated funds for its establishment and development. The founders of the Association are companies that in our country produce electricity using wind power: Vetroelektrane Balkana DOO Belgrade (WE Čibuk 1, installed capacity 158.4 MW), Electrawinds K-Wind d.o.o. Kovačica (WF Kovačica – 104.5 MW) and Elicio Ali VE d.o.o. Belgrade (WF Alibunar - 42 MW).